Arena Animation is the Animation & Multimedia education arm of Aptech Ltd...

Our Course

Digital Advertising Design & Marketing

Digital Advertising Design & Marketing

Arena Animation (a franchise of shreem media production academy, an ISO 9001- 2015, certified quality training studio), has come up with Digital Advertising Design and Marketing, and it is a comprehensive course, which trains a person in every aspect of digital design and makes them job-ready.

With the live training studio, you’ll get the concepts, fundamentals, and techniques of digital illustrations, typography techniques, digital advertising concepts, digital video techniques, internet advertising, email marketing, and mobile marketing.

In this, learn-and-earn program, we combine technology with creativity and you’ll learn how to use it in digital space. At Arena Animation (a franchise of shreem media production academy, an ISO 9001- 2015, certified quality training studio), you will become job ready, as you will get the best of both digital marketing concepts as well as designs.

Course Highlights:

  • Job-oriented, industry centric curriculum
  • Hands-on practical training using latest tools and software in animation
  • Certified faculty
  • Exposure to industry interaction and workshops
  • Placement assistance
  • Access to Onlinevarsity (exclusive e-learning platform)
  • Access to Creosouls, a platform to display your portfolio
  • Instant student loan facility to fund the courses you want to option

What You’ll Learn!